About Ryan

Hello world!

Wow! I only ever dreamed of having my own blog, but here I am starting a new chapter in my life. To share a bit about myself, my name is Ryan Paige and I am a 23 year old black woman from the south suburbs of Chicago. I moved to St. Louis for college in 2013 and have lived here ever since. I am an only child, an introvert, a Harry Potter fanatic, and a lover of musical theater.

Inspiration for Love, Rye came from many places. I chose the name (first as my personal Instagram name) because it is the way I sign cards and letters addressed to my loved ones. See, the nickname Rye is a shortened version of Rye Bread, something my family has called me for as long as I can remember. Some opt to call me Rye, others call me Bready Bread. Regardless, my nickname is near and dear to my heart and I only share it when others when I’m comfortable and ready to be vulnerable.

That being said…I guess I must be ready to be vulnerable with all of you readers! I love interacting with new people, and I’ve come to realize this through my wonderful therapist, who has graciously helped me realize that my social anxiety was hiding my true personality.

Love, Rye is my space to share my story with you; good, bad, and in between. I hope that my vulnerability connects with or affirms you in some way. You are more than enough. You are more than worthy.


Love always,



  • Jazmine Bonner

    I’m so proud of you for sharing your testimony with us. I believe this blog will touch and help so many. Keep being amazing and helping us grow into better educated and self-aware WOC.