Health & Wellness

First Well-Woman Exam? Don’t Be Afraid!

I don’t know too many millennials who visit their doctor or dentist like they should. At the age of 23 and after two jobs that have provided me with health insurance, I’m just now finding a great primary care physician. My first appointment was back in March of this year, and because my doctor is in high demand, I waited a few weeks for this appointment (worth it though).

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I found my doctor through my insurance…Not going to lie, I went through the list of doctors they gave me and didn’t stop Google searching until I found a black women with great reviews. When I searched my now-physician, I was able to find photos, videos, and reviews. I knew she was the one. The first appointment was rough, as my anxiety was causing my blood pressure to go through the roof. However, my doctor was patient and listened to all of my concerns. She respected that I was seeing a therapist and was open to communicating with my other healthcare providers to help me lead a healthy life physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Just when I thought the appointment was over, she mentioned pap smears and well-woman exams. My heart sank…I knew it was time. I couldn’t keep putting it off because I was “too busy” with school. She could sense my nervousness and scheduled my appointment for July, giving me time to look up as many things as I could about the exam beforehand. It’s important to note that all doctors won’t do this, but mine was flexible given the fact that I have been in a monogamous relationship for the past three years.

As soon as I got in my car to leave my appointment, I called my mom and told her that it was time for my first well-woman exam. She immediately got into the gory details and I began to get queasy. We decided that I wouldn’t think about the procedure until closer to the summer.That’s easy for someone with anxiety…right???

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Fast forward to late June, in the midst of calendaring, I realized that it was almost time for my appointment. I began reading as many articles and blog posts as possible, and that’s a huge part of why I’m writing a blog post about this now. They made me feel so comfortable and prepared.

I encourage anyone going int for a procedure they’ve never had done before to look up as much as possible. Yes, you will come across some crazy forum or blog posts, but you’ll also come across encouraging posts. Everyone has different experiences and you should keep that in mind as you search for information.

Alright…now let’s get to the appointment. I’m pretty sure I was so nervous that I drove to my doctor’s office without any music playing. I tried to call my mom and, of course, no answer. So, I parked and took a few deep breaths. Before I knew it, I was in the examination room getting my blood pressure checked.

When the doctor came in and asked how I was feeling, I told her I was nervous and reminded her that this was my first pap smear. Luckily, she was very patient and walked me through every step. Ladies, I encourage you to SPEAK UP. As a person with moderate social anxiety, I know how hard this can be. I am, in fact, still working on my self-advocacy skills, but I can tell you that I’ve never regretted a moment where I stood up for myself and expressed my concerns.

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Before I knew it, the exam was over! It was slightly uncomfortable, but hella quick. You most likely will feel pressure when the doctor is…down there…but it doesn’t last long. Besides, the discomfort was worth it when I got my lab results…all clear!

Long story short, I am major scaredy-cat when it comes to going to the doctor, but I did it! You can do it too. I hope this post makes you feel a little less alone and encourages you to take care of your body. She deserves it.


Love always,



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