Health & Wellness

  • About Ryan,  Health & Wellness

    The Importance of Critical Friend Check-Ins (CFCs)

    Wow! It feels like I haven’t written in years. Honestly, since the last time I wrote for this blog, months have been feeling like years. When I got the urge to write again, I knew I wanted to address this strange absence, to explain to y’all why I haven’t been writing and what’s been the root cause of my procrastination. But as I started to brainstorm, I realized that I needed to share what’s inspired me to write again: critical friend check-ins (CFCs). For the purposes of this post, I am defining a critical friend check-in as the act of showing true empathy and concerns for a friend holistically, in…

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  • Health & Wellness

    First Well-Woman Exam? Don’t Be Afraid!

    I don’t know too many millennials who visit their doctor or dentist like they should. At the age of 23 and after two jobs that have provided me with health insurance, I’m just now finding a great primary care physician. My first appointment was back in March of this year, and because my doctor is in high demand, I waited a few weeks for this appointment (worth it though). I found my doctor through my insurance…Not going to lie, I went through the list of doctors they gave me and didn’t stop Google searching until I found a black women with great reviews. When I searched my now-physician, I was…

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