
  • Lifestyle

    Battling Envy…Sort Of

    Envy…he’s something else. *Insert eye roll emoji* August is one of those months where it feels like envy is winning the battle against solidarity. In August we see our friends and family members starting medical or law school, starting their last year of medical or law school, starting new jobs, finding new romances, moving to new cities…the list goes on and on. We begin to look at ourselves and think, “What am I doing with my life?” If we’re lucky, we can call up a parent, mentor, or friend. Most times, we turn on Netflix to drown out what seems to be the tunes of other people’s success. Well I’m…

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  • Lifestyle

    For The Person Who Didn’t Move Back Home After College

    To Whom This May Concern:   I know that you might be lonely. You might feel defeated. You might miss home more than you ever expected. I want you to know that it is okay to feel those things. It’s also okay to feel like you are having the time of your life and never want to move back home again. It doesn’t mean that you love your hometown or family any less.   If you’re anything like me, you probably switch back and forth between these feelings on a daily basis. Some days I sit at my desk after an argument with my partner and think, “I miss my…

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